Woodlot Species and Reforestation: Important to Get It Right
Since most of the woodlots in Southern Ontario are owned privately, unlike Northern Ontario, where most is crown land, it's the individual who holds the future to some of the best forests and lands in Southern Ontario.
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Supply Management Threat
The Canadian Wheat Board and the Dairy Farmers of Ontario were formed by an act of government to make a level playing field for all producers so that farmers would benefit the most from a sometimes volatile market, but this all may change as the Canadian federal government is trying to create a dual marketing system out west...
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Direct Marketing
With farmers losing ground to large wholesalers and retailers who seem to be making all the profits there is still a good way to make money from the farm and avoid the middleman by direct marketing what you grow and raise.
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A Barn Moved
It seems odd and almost impossible to think of now how a whole barn could be moved without mechanized help but in the early 20th century, moving these huge structures with simple tools and horses was not an uncommon occurrence.
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Raw Milk and Michael Schmidt
About 150 supporters of Michael Schmidt toasted their glasses last week to the Queen of England. The glasses were filled with raw milk and the toast was to the Queen because she drinks raw milk as well.
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Organic Transition
"The biggest impediment to changing to organic farming is in farmers' heads," said Grant Martin, an organic farmer from the Ethel region who spoke at the Ecological Evening during Farmers Week in Elmwood last week.
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National Farmers' Union of Ontario
In the early 1960's Wayne Smith from the Lakeside area of Ontario had enough of not being able to get a good price for his milk, so he decided to demonstrate his displeasure, placards and all, with his tractor.
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Soil Conservation
Looking at the soil as a dead inert mass is a misconception that was initially written about by soil guru Sir Albert Howard.
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Farm Income Crisis
Even though gross farm incomes have steadily increased since the 1950's, unfortunately the average farmer's net income, the money in hand, has been dropping dramatically to the point where now, farmers are losing, on average, about $16,000 per year.
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Value Chains Another Idea
If a group of farmers got together to have a consistent quality supply of a product and found retailers that would sell that product or created their own retail outlets, it would cut out the middleman and create profits for the farmers. This type of linkage is called a value chain and it's growing all over the western world, including locally.
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Canadian Wheat Board is Everyone's Concern
There is unfair federal government interference in the Canadian Wheat Board, according to former president and CEO Adrian Measner, and even local farmers in Grey and Bruce should be wary of their own programs.
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Switchgrass the New Biograss
In this new world where crops will be used for ethanol and pellets for fuel, what the big buzz word these days is not corn, soy or alfalfa, but switch grass.
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